High School


Fairfax High School was founded in 1924 under the direction of Principal Rae G. Van Cleve, for whom the athletic field is
named. The original Spanish Colonial Revival main building did not meet earthquake safety standards, and most of the original campus facilities were demolished in 1966. However, the historic D. S. Swan Auditorium and iconic Rotunda were spared by preservationists and retrofitted. The theater was renovated in 2014. Greenway Court, originally built in 1939 as a social hall by the students at Fairfax as a class project, was also spared and was moved to its current location on Fairfax
Avenue, where it was converted into a theater in 1999 by the Greenway Arts

Alliance and renamed the Greenway Court Theater. Fairfax High School has been known since the 1930s as a breeding ground for future major figures in the entertainment industry. In previous eras, the school had a reputation for academic excellence and it had a majority Jewish student body. Former NFL official Jim Tunney served as the school's principal from 1964 to 1970. Under his watch, most of the current campus facilities, except for those mentioned above, were built
between 1966 and 1968, including the gymnasium.

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